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Additionally, does not claim to represent the manufacturers, brands, companies, or retailers mentioned on this website, nor do we own their trademarks, logos, marketing materials, or products. If you wish to submit a copyright claim, please do so here.
- 1 winner(s) will receive Wildebeest Funston Leash, Wildebeest Farallon Bag, Wildebeest Bernal Bowl, Wildebeest Harness of Choice (Linden or Sutro), Earth Rated Treat Toy, Earth Rated Tug Toy, Earth Rated 315 Poop Bags, Earth Rated Poop Bag Dispenser, Earth Rated 400 Dog Wipes, WLO Lakota Crate Size 4 in Green, Finn 2-Pack of Pumpkin Plus, Finn 1 Tin of Allergy & Itch supplements, Finn 1 Tin of Paw Hero Paw Balm (ARV: $900 USD)
United States Entrants Only, and must be 18 or older to participate. The contest ends April 17th, 2024. One (1) winner will be randomly chosen and announced on Aprl 18th, 2024 via email.
ENTRY – One Time Entry
ENDING – April 17, 2024
Winner must claim prize within 48 hours from email sent, or a new winner will be drawn.
ELIGIBILITY – U.S. & D.C. Only. 18+
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