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The Microsoft Rewards Ultimate Giveaway is offering participants the chance to win $1,000,000 USD in cash, with additional secondary prizes of $10,000 USD for participants in each jurisdiction. Here’s a quick breakdown of the key details:
• Who can enter? Legal residents of the U.S., Puerto Rico, D.C., Canada, the U.K., France, and Germany.
• Age requirement: Participants must be the age of majority in their jurisdiction.
• Deadline: Entries close on December 31, 2024. Entries must be received by January 8, 2025.
1. Grand Prize: $1,000,000 USD (equivalent to CAD $1,359,650, GBP £762,295, or EUR €902,770).
2. Secondary Prizes: Two prizes of $10,000 USD per jurisdiction (total of 10 secondary prizes).
How to Enter
1. Microsoft Rewards Members: Participate directly through your Rewards account. (START HERE)
2. Free Entry (No Purchase Required):
• Write your full name, address, phone number, date of birth, and email on a 3×5 inch card.
• Mail it to the address specific to your country of residence (details in the image text above).
• Postmark the entry by December 31, 2024.
Additional Info
• Rules and Details: Official Rules and prize information.
• Canadian Residents: A skill-testing question is required to claim prizes.
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