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Don’t miss out on the Big Lots Quikly Giveaway! This exciting promotion offers you the chance to win a gift card worth up to $500. Here’s how it works:
• Quick Response: Once the giveaway goes live, you’ll receive a text alert. The faster you respond, the better your prize!
• 5 winners will receive a Big Lots gift card worth up to $500.
• Up to 500 winners will score a $10 off $10 purchase coupon.
• Everyone else will receive a $10 off $40 purchase coupon to use at their local Big Lots.
Important Details:
• Promotion Period: The promotion will go live sometime before August 24th, 2024.
• How to Participate: Sign up now to be ready when the promotion goes live.
• Stay Notified: We’ll give you a heads up so you can be ready to act quickly when the alert goes out.
How to Sign Up:
• Find Your Local Big Lots Here
Make sure to sign up and stay alert for your chance to score big with Big Lots!
This Post Was Filed Under: Sweepstakes
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