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Want to win $5k for watching the Big Bang Theory Tv Show!?
You can enter the Big Bang Theory BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE Sweepstakes for a chance to win some exciting prizes, including a $5,000 American Express gift card as the Grand Prize. There are also 15 $500 gift cards and 500 sets of two movie tickets for the BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE movie up for grabs.
To enter, you need to use the code word “PENNY” for August 20th, 2024. You can enter daily until September 7th, 2024, increasing your chances of winning one of these fantastic prizes.
How to Get Code Words
Code words are typically revealed during episodes of The Big Bang Theory that air on specific dates. You can watch the show on participating networks or keep an eye on social media platforms, fan forums, or websites that track sweepstakes like this one. These sources often share the code words after they are revealed, so it’s a good idea to check those if you miss the live broadcast.
Enter the sweepstakes daily to maximize your chances of winning, and remember to stay tuned to The Big Bang Theory for new code words each week. Good luck!
This Post Was Filed Under: Sweepstakes
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