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Enter the L’Oreal Wedding sweepstakes to win an Ultimate Day to Night Wedding Glam Kit.
What is the prize? 🏆
One (1) Potential Winner will receive a selection of L’Oreal Paris product; Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) is $128.00.
One entry by 6/30.2024.
When will winner get the prize?
One (1) Potential Winner (“Potential Winner”) will be selected in a random drawing held on or about July 15, 2024
US Only. No purchase necessary. You must be 18+ and a legal US resident. Starts 9:00 AM ET on 5/1/24 and ends 5:00 PM ET on 6/30/24. Odds of winning depend on the total number of entries received. Void where prohibited. For Complete Rules, click here (or if print include URL). Sponsor: L’Oreal Paris, 10 Hudson Yards, New York, NY 10001. Privacy Policy and Notice of Financial Incentives.
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