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Exciting news for Chick-Fil-A fans: the popular Code Moo promotion is returning on July 22nd! Last year, this event delighted customers by offering free food every week for several weeks. Here’s how you can get ready to take full advantage of this tasty promotion:
How to Prepare
1. Download the Chick-Fil-A App: Make sure you have the Chick-Fil-A app installed on your smartphone. This will be essential for participating in the Code Moo offers. (IOS HERE) or (Android HERE)
2. Join Chick-Fil-A Rewards: Sign up for the Chick-Fil-A Rewards program if you haven’t already. Being a member will allow you to claim your free food and enjoy other perks.
What to Expect
• Weekly Offers: Just like last year, Chick-Fil-A will be rolling out new offers each week. Keep an eye on the app and check back regularly to see what’s available.
• Free Food: Expect a variety of free food items, which could range from sandwiches to nuggets and more. The specifics will be revealed each week starting July 22nd.
If you’re a Chick-Fil-A foodie lover, this is a golden opportunity to enjoy your favorite items for free. The Code Moo promotion is one of the most anticipated events for Chick-Fil-A lovers, offering a fun and delicious way to enjoy more of what you love.
Mark Your Calendars 📅
Remember to mark July 22nd on your calendar and be ready to check the Chick-Fil-A app for the first hot offer. With new deals coming out every week, it’s a perfect time to savor all your Chick-Fil-A favorites without spending a dime!
Stay tuned, get prepared, and enjoy the freebies with Chick-Fil-A’s Code Moo promotion!
You can read more here.
The Cows are back—and they need your speed to stop Circus Burger. Play Code Moo® in the Chick-fil-A® App starting July 22 and race for weekly food rewards, while supplies last.
Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play
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