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Buff City Soap Central has an exciting offer: Receive a complimentary bar of their artisanal soap with absolutely no purchase required!
There are no direct links as this is a bolo freebie meaning be on the look out, however we do have tips on getting this to pop up!
Follow the tips below to incase your odds of finding the ad to claim it.
- Go to Buff City Soap Central’s Facebook page or follow them on Instagram. (You can also visit their website here)
- Like and comment on several of their recent posts.
- Use the search bar to look up their products
- Use the internet, Facebook, or Instagram to search for Buff City Soap Central products
Once you spot the offer, click on the “Sign Up” button to register. Provide your details to receive special offers via text, which is where you’ll also get your instructions for claiming your free bar of soap.
This Post Was Filed Under: BOLO Freebies
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