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Right now you can get a free Febreze Odor-Fighting Fabric Refresher To Go Gain Original Scent, 2.8 oz. Spray from Walmart after the $2.00 Walmart Cash offer.
This offer is valid for online and in-store. See instructions below.
Click here and check the box next to $2.00 Walmart Cash(Expired by report 2/1/2024)- Purchase 1 Febreze Odor-Fighting Fabric Refresher To Go Gain Original Scent, 2.8 oz. Spray for $1.97. Note: If shopping in store, you’ll need to scan the QR code (in the Walmart app) at checkout to earn your cashback.
- Click Get $2.00 Walmart Cash
- Apply your Walmart Cash on your next purchase at checkout or cash out in store when your balance reaches $25 (Yes you can literally cash out Walmart cash back into real cash after $25)
About Walmart Cash
The Walmart Cash Offers Program is a rewards program pursuant to which loyalty, award or promotional credits called “Walmart Cash” can be obtained through certain promotional programs that we offer from time to time. Walmart Cash cannot be transferred and has no cash value until it is successfully redeemed at Walmart in connection with future purchases in stores or online, or for cash out in-store (see “How does Walmart Cash redemption work?” for details on how redemption works). See Full Terms for an explanation of how the Walmart Cash Offers Program works.
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