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How to claim a free sample of Gerber Mixed Berries Yogurt Melts?
You won’t find a direct link to this freebie. Instead, it’s making a sneaky appearance as a sponsored ad on Facebook and Instagram. But, you can follow the tips and tricks below to increase your odds of spotting this offer right in your social feed:
- Engage with Gerber: Jump onto Facebook and Instagram and make sure you’re following Gerber.
- Spread some love: Show them some love by liking a few of their posts. This will increase your interaction with the brand, which might just prompt their ad to show up on your feed.
- Quick Search: Head over to the Search bar and search for “Gerber Yogurt Melts”. This action often triggers related ads to show up in your social media feeds.
After completing the above steps, take a deep breath, reopen your Facebook and Instagram, and patiently wait. Keep an eye out on both your feed and stories for the ad.
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