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Request the Free Psoriasis Our Spot Welcome Kit for teens up to 18 or children ages 12 and under from the National Psoriasis Foundation.
The Our Spot Welcome Kit gives you age-appropriate information and tools to help you learn more about treatment options and how best to support your child or teen.
There are two types of kits available.
Kids ages 12 & under
(* indicates items not included in a modified kit)
- Interactive booklet about being diagnosed with psoriasis
- Sample parent symptom tracker for ages 12 and under and a Patient Navigation Center pen*
- Parent Guide
- Healthy living tips and a recipe to try at home
- Free copy of NPF Advance magazine*
- Our Spot drawstring bag*
- Our Spot sticker sheet*
For teens (up to age 18)
(* indicates items not included in a modified kit)
- Booklet about managing and living with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis
- Sample symptom tracker for teens and a Patient Navigation Center pen*
- Parent Guide
- Healthy living tips and a recipe to try at home
- Free copy of NPF Advance magazine*
- Our Spot drawstring bag*
- Our Spot sticker sheet*
In either kit, your child can choose between a 7β plush leopard or an NPF phone pop socket. (Note: This option is only available to U.S. residents and is not available in modified kits sent outside the U.S.)
This Post Was Filed Under: Freebies
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