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Additionally, does not claim to represent the manufacturers, brands, companies, or retailers mentioned on this website, nor do we own their trademarks, logos, marketing materials, or products. If you wish to submit a copyright claim, please do so here.
Rockstar is running a promotion where you can get $5 cash back when you buy 2 rockstar energy drink!
Plus, you can do this every other week! You’ll need to send the receipts to them via SMS to be verified then they’ll pay you through Venmo or PayPal.
Follow the instructions below. 👇
- Click here then enter your phone number and email to get started.
- Purchase 2 Rockstar Energy drinks and save your receipt
- Text a photo of your receipt to 73774
- Receive your $5 cash back via Venmo or PayPal
Limit one offer every other week during promotion. Read the complete offer terms here.
**The campaign runs from 2/24/2024 to 12/31/2024 (the “Program Period”). To be eligible for the reward, purchases must be made during this period. The deadline for reward submissions is 12/30/2024
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