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Edna Skincare is offering a FREE Sample Pack with Day and Night Creams, while supplies last. Shipping is FREE as well!
Go here then fill in the form to request your samples today.
This will only be available for a limited time.
Whats in the sample kit?
It includes a complimentary sample of their day and night creams.
We havenβt heard of this company before finding this freebie but we did do some research and they are legitimate and have good reviews on multiple sites.
Additional information
They also offer a sample pack that includes more than the day/night cream that is $12 if you would like to try more of their products. This one isnβt free but if the samples work out they do offer more for a deal. Not saying we would do this but it is interesting and information worth sharing.
This Post Was Filed Under: Freebies
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