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PetSmart is back at it again Say cheese with Santa on December 14th & 15th, 2-6pm! Plus enjoy exclusive in-store event offers. You can take your pet to take a photo with Santa Claus.
Here are some information from their website regarding appointments, walk-ins and availabilities.
Paws and Claus Photo Event is available in all PetSmart U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico stores, on Say cheese with Santa December 14th & 15th, 2-6pm! Plus enjoy exclusive in-store event offers.
Availability by location is subject to change without notice. Appointments are recommended and subject to availability. Walk-ins may be accommodated only if time permits. Appointments receive priority. Pets are welcome in accordance with our pet policy found here. Photos can be taken on personal device or on store device which will then be delivered via email.
You can sign up below if you’re interested!
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