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Skittles announced its “littlest” innovation with Skittles Littles, a teeny, tiny version of its candy that it promises is more “poppable” than before.
To honor this new candy addition, Skittles partnered with interior decorator Dani Klarić, known for her love of maximalist design, to transform a micro-apartment in New York City into a “rainbow-filled masterpiece.” And rather than just keep it all for themselves, Skittles is giving the apartment to one very lucky fan to live in rent-free for an entire year.
So don’t wait and enter this SKITTLES Littles “Apartment Lease” Sweepstakes for a shot at winning rent paid for TWELVE months at the SKITTLES Littles apartment in New York City (up to $85,000 value)!
You can’t win if you don’t enter!
ENTRY: One-Time Entry
ENDS: May 21, 2024
You can read rules and terms and conditions (here)
Note: Its important to remember Entries must be completed by 11:59:59 PM (ET) on May 21, 2024.
Also something to think about is this is located in Manhattan NY, so with the cost of living not sure how much of a win this actually is..however a good problem to have!
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